The fungus that causes mould thrives in cold, dark and damp places. Bacteria from spoiled food and moisture make many home appliances a breeding ground for mould and mildew. Mould can even survive long high heat wash cycles.
Warning before you begin cleaning tips
Check your appliance instruction manual first to see if there are cleaning instructions for your specific brand. If not, the mixtures below works well.
Tips to use once per month to clean and prevent mould from returning.
Use a small amount of baking soda and straight vinegar in a bowl and mix until you make a paste.
Take dishwasher racks out.
Scrub your dishwasher with this mixture in small crevices and hard to reach places.
Clean the filter at the bottom of your tub.
Scrub all rubber seals and door.
After you finish, spray inside with just vinegar and place your empty dishwasher on a high heat wash cycle.
Mould Prevention
Always leave your dishwasher open a crack after a cycle to completely dry.
Washing Machines
One cup of vinegar and the juice of half a lemon.
Wash inside of machine also around the seals and doors with same mixture.
Place where you add the detergent and do a cycle on high heat.
Recommended once per month
Do not let wet clothes sit in washer.
Crack washer door a little to dry washer in between loads.
White vinegar is the best cleaner for fridges.
Remove all shelves and drawers that are removable.
Spray them with straight vinegar and let them sit while you spray the inside of the fridge.
Thoroughly dry all shelving and drawers and wipe out fridge with a clean dry cloth.
Ensure all seals are wiped down also.
Can Mould in home appliances make you sick?
Yes, it depends on what mould is growing, however, in general moulds can make you have respiratory symptoms like coughing and sneezing along with allergy type symptoms like a rash, runny nose and itchy eyes. There can be dangerous moulds hiding in other places in the home that may cause more serious side affects.
If you would like more information on mould and keeping your home healthy, please email or call me and I would be happy to share information with you.